„Impossible as a lyrical space”. About the lyrical spaces of Lorand Gaspar and János Pilinszky

Dorottya Szávai

IN: Partitúra Irodalomtudományi folyóirat, Volume: XI.  , Issue 1, 2016, p. 73-88., ISSN 1336-7307

DOI: 10.17846/PA.2016.11.1.73-88


The object of my essay is the lyrical and translatical oeuvre of Lorand Gaspar, which is a unique phenomenon in the western Hungarian migrant literature. Gaspar, who’s oeuvre – in spite of he was a Hungarian migrant – was unfolded in French, in a Francophile agent. This oeuvre constitutes exemplary cases of the intercultural replacement processes and the cultural code-switching. including other theories, in my train of thought i am leaning on the theories of the tournure spatiale. One of my key-questions is that how could be find the signs of the Hungarian literature in the French cultural agent in the Gaspar oeuvre? To show this, the most perfect and most evident example is the realitonship with János Pilinszky and his poetry, which also includes the problem of translation.

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