Partitúra publishes theoretical, analytical and historical scientific studies but also aims to give arena for specific high level critical analyses. The manuscripts are reviewed by the members of the editorial board, external associates as well as by recognized experts of the particular area.

Please, adhere to the following formatting requirements:

Extent of a study manuscript: 30-35 pages; critical analysis: up to 20 standard pages

Font size 12, Times New Roman, one-inch spacing


To the beginning of the study:

Author’s name

Title: In Hungarian

Hungarian abstract (4-5 sentences)

Hungarian keywords (4-5)


To the end of the study:

Resources and quotations used under the Heading “Irodalom”, referenced in alphabetical order (see the data sequences for the reference standard)

English abstract in 4-5 sentences, beginning with the English translation of the study title

English keywords (4-5)

Contact details of the Author: name, name and address of his/her workplace, email address


The reference is made in a form of footnotes in the following way:


Jurij lotman, Kultúra és robbanás, ford. Szűcs Teri, Budapest: Pannonica Kiadó, 2001, 54-56.

Multivolume work:

Jurij lotman, Szöveg a szövegben, ford. klausz Ildikó és pálfi Ágnes = Kultúra, szöveg, narráció. Orosz elméletírók tanulmányai, szerk. V. gilbert Edit és kovács Árpád, Pécs: Jannus Pannonius Egyetemi Kiadó, 1994, 57-82.

Journal article:

Jurij lotman, A retorika, ford. nagy István, Helikon, 1999/1-2, 99.

Back reference:  uő, I.m., Vö.

In the case of criticism, under the title please indicate the data of the processed opus.

Articles should be sent to: