Fekete, fehér, színes, szürke. Vizuális hatások a Mimi & Liza c. mesekönyvben

Gabriella Petres Csizmadia

IN: Partitúra Irodalomtudományi folyóirat, Volume XV.  , Issue 2, 2020, p. 51-62., ISSN 1336-7307

DOI: 10.17846/PA.2020.15.2.51-62


The study presents the reader with the intermedial interpretation of the storybook Mimi – Liza written by Katarína Kerekesová – Katarína Moláková – Alexandra Salmela. The analysis is based on Mitchell’s conception of media (Mitchell, 2018), that is, it sets out by acknowledging the intermedial state of the culture of children’s books, and then it follows the unfolding of the visual elements up through the investigation of expressive visual effects created by the text’s rhetoric. The ekphrases of the text are presented as intermedial references (Rajewsky, 2010) based on Irina O. Rajewsky’s interpretation of intermediality. Through several examples the study introduces and analyzes the mechanisms of the visualization happening with the help of language as well as the scenery painted with words.

Keywords: intermediality, imagination ekphrasis, contemporary literary tale, color semiotics

Whole issue