A meseregény poétikája. Elméleti kiindulópontok

Gabriella Petres Csizmadia

IN: Partitúra Irodalomtudományi folyóirat, Volume XVI. , Issue 2, 2021, p. 17-52, ISSN 1336-7307

DOI: 10.17846/PA.2021.16.2.17-52


The aim of this study is to formulate the genre of the fairy tale from a narrato-poetic point of view and to outline its genre characteristics. The genre approach, focusing on the fundamental factors of the narrative form, reflects on the hybridisation of genre and media and the genre’s susceptibility to playfulness, as well as to the study of character, event structuring, and space-time. In the fairy tale contaminated by genre, we can discover the genre influences of the magic fairy tale, the picaresque novel, and the novelistic narrative cycle. The character analysis shows that the characters of the fairy tale, compared to those of the magic fairy tale, undergo a pronounced process of individualisation in the course of novelization, which leads to the genre gradually moving away from the representation of archetypes and endowing its characters with more independent personality traits. The plot structure of the genre is characterised by the adaptation, reinterpretation or reduction of the functional sequence of the traditional magic fairy tale and the addition of new motifs and episodes. The carnivalization of the fairy-tale tradition leads to an unravelling and profanization of the fairy-tale web of relationships, so that the fairy-tale novel makes eager use of the devices of masquerade and imitation, which include donning the mask of the traditional, living narrator and imitating first-person narration.

Keywords: contemporary children’s fable, hybridization, boundary-crossing, basic factors of narrative forms, roles, plot structure

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