„évről évre kínosabb, ahogy reppelem a Nehézlábot”. Krúbi Ganxsta Zolee Tehet Mindenről című dalának intermediális értelmezése

Aletta Borbíró

IN: Partitúra Irodalomtudományi folyóirat, Volume XVIII. , Issue 2, 2023, p. 87-102 , ISSN 1336-7307

DOI: 10.17846/PA.2023.18.2.87-102


In my paper, I analyse the song and music video, titled ”Ganxsta Zolee Tehet Mindenről” by Krúbi, in terms of Krúbi’s career, the rap tradition and the semantic interconnection between music and video. In the article, I briefly outline the history of rap, the characteristics of gangsta rap, and the identity markers associated with the rapper as an alter-ego. I argue that it is not enough to focus only on the lyrics or the music when analysing rap, because of the rapper’s diverse representation as an alterego in multiple media (analogous to the understanding of the Hungarian neoavantgarde), a multidisciplinary approach is needed that takes into account not only music and music videos, but also concerts and social media presence.

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