„Poetry without arms and legs”. The short poems of Sándor Weöres, Imre Oravecz and Márton Simon (monostichs, two-line poems and polaroids)

Bianka Zámbó

IN: Partitúra Irodalomtudományi folyóirat, Volume: X , Issue 2, 2015, p. 41-60., ISSN 1336-7307

DOI: 10.17846/PA.2015.10.2.41-60


The paper investigates the short poem seen as a particular genre and as a possible line of the continuation (moving from the late modernity towards postmodernity) of Hungarian poetic tradition in the monostich (single-line poems) of Sándor Weöres’s (1946, 1960), the two lined poems of Imre Oravecz taken from the volume Héj (1972) and Márton Simon’s numbered poems in the volume titled Polaroids. The examined corpuses contain such poetic short forms that have no unified terminology, thus have not been widely dealt with, neither in the light of the poets’ oeuvres, nor from a contrastive perspective. Present essay deals with the reception and the problematics of genre. Furthermore, a linguistic and poetic contrastive analysis is made on the corpuses. Last but not least, the paper deals with the relationship between these short poems and their impact.

Whole issue