Zárda és katona – avagy Kaffka Margit és Ottlik Géza ’iskolá’-ja

Zsuzsa Horváth

IN: Partitúra Irodalomtudományi folyóirat, Volume XV.  , Issue 1, 2020, p. 19-35., ISSN 1336-7307

DOI: 10.17846/PA.2020.15.1.19-35


Expanding the concept of the chronotope of Bakhtin, the study attempts to describe the spacetime of the school – the convent and the military school – by presenting a characteristic spatial and temporal experience that is partly similar and partly different. The two texts examined from a spatial/ space poetics point of view. In the study she focuses on the novels Hangyaboly – 1917 – (The Ant Heap) by Margit Kaffka and Iskola a határon – 1959 – (School at the Frontier) by Ottlik Géza. The analysis deals with the concept of freedom, the hierarchy, the rules, the identity and identity born of the undertaken identity and the internal independence. According to the conclusion of the study, the chronotope of the convent school, which is already appearing at Kaffka, can be interpreted as an analogue of the space-time unfolding in Ottlik in its complexity.

Keywords: space poetics, chronotope, school, close(ness), experience of space, experience of time

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