Szerelem és női szelfkonstrukció a posztindusztriális korban férfi szemmel – női szóval
(Polcz Alaine: Egész lényeddel)

Anett Szegvölgyi-Pócsik

IN: Partitúra Irodalomtudományi folyóirat, Volume XV.  , Issue 1, 2020, p. 37-71., ISSN 1336-7307

DOI: 10.17846/PA.2020.15.1.37-71


In Polcz Alaine’s diaries Egész lényeddel (With your whole self) the loss of her husband makes the biographical subject face herself. Exactly this is why the primary object of her autobiography is the reconstruction of her identity, the key of which she sees in finding her answer to the question: What is love? In her diary entries we can track how the narrator of the autobiography starts interacting with Mészöly’s writings, while analysing the history of her marriage, and during the narrative understanding, in the act of writing and reading her narrative identity comes to existence. At the end of the study – following Polcz’s method – stands the togetherness of the autobiography Egész lényeddel and Mészöly’s novel Az atléta halála (The death of the athlete), as both pieces of art researches the possibility of establishing the female subject in today’s society, which provides a good basis.

Keywords: narrative identity, self-construction, autobiography, love, post-industrial society

Whole issue