A lakota naptánc szertartási kunyhójának térszemiotikai elemzése

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IN: Partitúra Irodalomtudományi folyóirat, Volume XVII. , Issue 1, 2022, p. 17-34, ISSN 1336-7307

DOI: 10.17846/PA.2022.17.1.17-34


Ceremonial lodge of the Lakota Sun Dance spatial semiotic analysis This paper analyzes the spatial organization and ceremonial lodge of the main cultic event of the North American plains Lakota, the sun dance ritual. The analysis is done from the perspective of the semiotics of space and is based on cultural anthropological work. Since visual sign-formations and sign, relations are perceived in space and since semiosis occurs in space, semiotics also includes space in the scope of the examination. The semiotics of space interprets the relationship between people and their space with the toolkit of semiotics, helps the analysis of cultural phenomena evolving in space which reveals, in addition to the meaning of sign-formations, the system of their relations, as well as sign relations and functions reinforced in space. Semiotics of space provides an appropriate theoretical framework for revealing and analyzing the sign processes and sign structures of the ceremony since semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic dimensions can all be interpreted through the analysis.

Keywords: the semiotics of space, Sun Dance rite, sign processes, sign structures, semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic dimensions

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