A vitakultúra oktatásának és fejlesztésének térszemiotikai hátterű módszere

Mihály Szívós – Miklós Lehmann

IN: Partitúra Irodalomtudományi folyóirat, Volume XVII. , Issue 1, 2022, p. 35-50, ISSN 1336-7307

DOI: 10.17846/PA.2022.17.1.35-50


The main aim of this study is to promote the teaching of debate culture in secondary schools and universities. The topicality of this long-neglected subject stems from the fact that it is hardly possible to educate young people in democratic thinking without debates. On the other hand, the changes in values and new knowledge that globalisation brings with it point to the need for debate. In order to develop a culture of debate, the authors have drawn above all on the semiotics of space, the theory of tacit knowledge and the innovative use of important concepts in management science. They examine the role of the debate moderator over time and divide debates into four phases. They also highlight the conditions for the simultaneous exercise of three main classical functions coming from management sciences: leadership, management and conflict resolution.

Keywords: the semiotics of space, tacit knowledge, the theory of controversies, debate culture, leadership, management and governance

Whole issue